I would recommend playing in fullscreen

This game was made for Ludum Dare 46. The theme was: Keep it alive.

You love your purple flowers and would do anything to keep them alive. That's exactly what you will be doing. Your flower can die to dehydration, a lack of nutrients in the ground and to the nasty attacking weed.

And watch out for those handy messages at the bottom ;)
- Move: A/W/S/D
- Pick up item: E
- Use Item: Left mouse button

- See some stats by standing next to a plant 

- Fill watering can at fountain and use it to water your plant
- Use fork to kill weed
- Use fork to move flower when the bed is low-nutrient
- Use scissors to cut plant when it gets to large and replant a sapling
- Use fertilizer to bring nutrients back into the bed

These are some spoilers for helpful locations
- At the bottom is a second fountain
- At the top right is the compost where fertilizer appears

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